Now and again Dan Hilton posts some of his thoughts to try and understand himself. Enough said.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Stop Fees NOW!
I was just viewing this website when a profound thought hit my head: If the Government claims that the reason they can't fund universities is purely a funding problem, then all we need do is find the money.
Now you're thinking well yeah but where can we find that money. I say "think different, think small", little saving all add up as Tesco's says "Every little helps!", and its SO true. Imagine if you could save a Dept. 3p per pencil they bought. Imagine the compound savings the government could make. I've got a good one to start you off: replace every copy of Microsoft IIS with Apache, saving about £400 per server (Probably less considering the license agreement the Gov have with them). Now imagine at all levels of Government, the NHS, the MOD, Dept. of Education, how many licenses couldbe replaced and money recouped. And I'm only getting started. Remember: Think different, think small, think savings!